A multi-dimensional perspective to the study of urban form in Turkey



Türkiye’de Kentsel Dönüşüme Yöntemsel Bir Yaklaşım
Ataöv, Anlı; Osmay, Sevin (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2007-6-01)
Urban regeneration implementations in Turkish metropolitan cities should be dealt within the interested contextual reality. Existing singular and unintegrated implementations remain inadequate in explaining the transformation phenomenon and in generating compatible solutions. In Turkey, urban transformation has emerged as a result of national economic policies and demographic movements. The response has been restricted to physical interventions to urban space. Squatter settlements appeared as the first exam...
A stochastic approach to the air pollution problem in Ankara.
Akyel, Ayşe Meral; Department of Industrial Engineering (1979)
A Metasynthesis of Research on Foreign Language Teacher Identity in Turkey: Implications for Teacher Education
Taner, Gülden; Karaman, Abdullah Cendel (2013-12-01)
This study explores main areas of research and identifies patterns that help interpret current tendencies in the literature on aspects related to language teacher education. For this purpose, we report the outcomes of a metasynthesis of 44 studies related to teacher identity. Conceptually, the analysis is guided by how teacher identity is framed. The structured searches in relevant databases led to conducting a particular type of systematic review known as template analysis. As a result, based on the inter...
A Contemporary approach to memorial design in the light of collective memory theory: guidelines for Ankara Train station square
Kesici, Deniz; Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ; Department of Architecture (2017)
In Turkey, the recent social events and manifestations, and especially the deadly terrorist attacks have given rise to a search for alternative means of conceptualizing collective memory and the role of memorials that are meant to keep collective memories alive. As all groups of individuals have their own memories, there is a need for a new understanding in the design of memorials in order to sustain collective memories of different social groups. In this study, following the theoretical framework, a number...
Karakoç, Şakir; Erciyas, Deniz Burcu; Department of Settlement Archaeology (2023-1-04)
This thesis is an attempt to understand the economic structure in Central Anatolia from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age. For this purpose, seven settlements located in Central Anatolia were selected. Gordion, Kerkenes, Kaman-Kalehöyük, Çadır Höyük, Boğazköy, Uşaklı Höyük, and Kınık Höyük will be evaluated, respectively. In order to achieve this goal, general social theories and some specific theories on ancient economy will be critically discussed. By doing this, the applicability of existing theories t...
Citation Formats
E. Şevik, G. Okumuş, H. E. Efeoğlu, and N. S. Parlak, “A multi-dimensional perspective to the study of urban form in Turkey,” URBAN MORPHOLOGY, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 106–107, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: http://www.urbanform.org/online_public/2022_1.shtml.