Caching Video on Demand in Radio Clusters

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Guru Meditation:

XID: 27623431

Varnish cache server

© 2021 IFIP.Densification of mobile networks leads to some problems such as overloaded backhaul and increased latency. Base stations may not always have fiber backhauls. For such cases, radio links are employed between base stations towards a base station that has a high capacity backhaul link. Those set of base stations that are connected to the hub over radio links are called radio clusters. We propose caching in radio clusters for decreasing the video streaming load on radio links. We define an optimization problem to determine the cache locations for video-on-demand segments considering user requirements. We tested our model with different radio cluster configurations concentrating on the size of the radio cluster, the number of users, and the number of demanded videos. Significant gains can be attained by employing the proposed cache placement and replication solution in radio clusters.
17th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM 2021


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Citation Formats
F. Murat and E. Onur, “Caching Video on Demand in Radio Clusters,” presented at the 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM 2021, Virtual, Online, Türkiye, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: