Ecological Campus: research and conservation for sustainable and wild-life friendly management of METU Campuses

Özkan, Korhan
METU Intercampus workshop for Sustainability Research, Cyprus


Ecological Campus: Ecology in Backyard
Yapan, Batuhan Çağrı; Akkuş, Gizem; Başkır,başkır, Saba,saba; Çoraman,çoraman, Emre,emre; Oğul,oğul, Fatıma Nur,fatıma Nur; Özkan, Korhan; Tohumcu, Begüm Ece; Yalçınkaya, Deniz (null; 2017-07-13)
Environmental governance for sustainable tourism development: Collaborative networks and organisation building in the Antalya tourism region
Erkus-Ozturk, Hilal; Eraydın, Ayda (2010-02-01)
For more than two decades the attainment of sustainable environmental quality and the protection of environmental assets have been at the forefront of central policy issues in global tourism development. Recently, it has been argued that collaborative and associative forms of governance among tourism companies and other related agents are growing in importance in the drive for sustainable and environmentally sensitive tourism. Despite the increasing number of debates on the role of networking on tourism the...
Ecological perspectives from an end-to-end representation of the Baltic Sea using Ecopath with Ecosim in Fortran (EwE-F) coupled to the Baltic Sea Long-Term Large Scale Eutrophication Model
Akoğlu, Ekin; Tomczak, Maciej; Gustaffson, Bo (null; 2019-12-04)
Ecosystem-based marine management can be considered to be most effective through establishingend-to-end representations of marine ecosystems from physical processes to fish using ecosystemmodels. Yet no single model includes sophisticated delineations of physical, biogeochemical and foodweb processes altogether to form a realistic picture of marine environment. Therefore, coupling models ofdifferent realms, i.e., physical, biogeochemical and trophodynamic, is required to set up holisticecosystem representat...
Environmental education in early childhood teacher training programs: perceptions and beliefs of pre-service teachers
Güner, Zişan; Olgan, Refika; Çakıroğlu, Jale; Department of Early Childhood Education (2013)
This study aimed to describe pre-service early childhood teachers’ perceptions of environmental education in teacher training programs, their beliefs about the integration of environmental education into early childhood education, and also to investigate the relationship between their perceptions and beliefs. Mixed methods sequential explanatory design was used. Data were collected from pre-service early childhood teachers (N=470) using Perceptions of Pre-service Teachers towards Environmental Education in ...
Ecological unequal exchange between Turkey and the European Union: An assessment from value added perspective
Tunç, Gül İpek; Akbostancı Özkazanç, Elif; Aşık, Serap (2022-01-01)
Citation Formats
K. Özkan and B. Ç. YAPAN, “Ecological Campus: research and conservation for sustainable and wild-life friendly management of METU Campuses,” presented at the METU Intercampus workshop for Sustainability Research, Cyprus, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: