European Tracks on Photography; workshops

Işıtman, Ödül
Uysal, Mehmet Ali


Europe's Balkan Muslims. A New History
Boyar, Ebru (2019-06-01)
European law of human rights and state sovereignty: The case of Turkey
Peker, Bülent; Eralp, Atila; Department of International Relations (1997)
European neighbourhood policy, as a hegemonic project: the case of Ukraine
Özdilek, Sibel Elif; Türkeş, Mustafa; Department of International Relations (2009)
This thesis attempts to analyze the European Neighbourhood Policy from a Neo-Gramscian perspective, mapping transnational power relations in Europe and identifying the historical-specific articulations between economic, political and (civil) societal processes in the specific case of Ukraine. Thus the thesis attempts to show how the EU’s hegemonic project is formed and applied, it also explores whether there are redefinitions of the EU hegemonic project and ask whether it is sustainable or not. It is conten...
Europeanization of Crisis Management Missions under CESDP through a Moderate Constructivist Perspective
Torun, Zerrin (null; 2010-06-26)
European Regions, EU External Borders and the Immediate Neighbours. Analysing Regional Development Options through Policies and Practices of Cross-Border Co-operation (EUBORDERREGIONS)
Ayata, Ayşe(2015)
EUBORDERRREGIONS will investigate the manifold consequences of increasing cross-border interaction for the development of regions at the EU’s external borders and, in this way, contribute to scientific and policy debate on the future of economic, social and territorial cohesion within the EU. Importantly, the project will contextualise development issues in selected EU “Borderlands” with regard to interaction between the EU and countries of the immediate “neighbourhood”. Within the context of these challeng...
Citation Formats
Ö. Işıtman and M. A. Uysal, European Tracks on Photography; workshops. 2010.