European law of human rights and state sovereignty: The case of Turkey

Peker, Bülent


European Union readmission agreements as securitization instruments: the cases of Turkey and Pakistan
Yavuz, Selim Mürsel; Kale Lack, Başak; Department of European Studies (2017)
Securitization theory argues that “security” is a speech act. By talking security, an actor tries to move a topic away from politics and into an area of security concerns thereby legitimating extraordinary means against the socially constructed threat. However, even though speech acts are also an area of concern, this thesis argues that the European Union (EU) officials do not necessarily use speech acts to move an issue to the security realm. Likewise, looking only to speech acts would not be enough to und...
European neighbourhood policy, as a hegemonic project: the case of Ukraine
Özdilek, Sibel Elif; Türkeş, Mustafa; Department of International Relations (2009)
This thesis attempts to analyze the European Neighbourhood Policy from a Neo-Gramscian perspective, mapping transnational power relations in Europe and identifying the historical-specific articulations between economic, political and (civil) societal processes in the specific case of Ukraine. Thus the thesis attempts to show how the EU’s hegemonic project is formed and applied, it also explores whether there are redefinitions of the EU hegemonic project and ask whether it is sustainable or not. It is conten...
European Security Culture Language, Theory, Policy
Ustun, Cigdem (Wiley, 2009-09-01)
European Union non-discrimination principle: rereading statutory social security schemes in Turkey
Günder, Zeyne; Aşçıoğlu Öz, Gamze; Department of European Studies (2019)
The main purpose of this thesis is to assess the alignment of statutory social security regulations applied in Turkey to the European Union non-discrimination principle. In the European Union Law, prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of nationality and gender equality has a deep-rooted history. Other areas in which prohibition of discrimination is applied in the European Union Law (sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation), have been added later though ...
TONGA, ZEYNEP; TANRISEVER, OKTAY F.; Department of European Studies (2022-7)
This study aims to analyse the motivations of the European Union in developing its Space Policy mainly in the Post-Cold War Period. In this context, the European Space Policy has been studied in terms of its civilian and military aspects. The thesis also analyses the history of the space race between the USA and the USSR during the Cold War Period in order to clarify the historical context of the EU’s space policy. Furthermore, the thesis also compares and contrasts the contemporary space policies of the US...
Citation Formats
B. Peker, “European law of human rights and state sovereignty: The case of Turkey,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.