Simplified Approach for In-Plane Strength Capacity of URM Walls by Using Lower-Bound Limit Analysis and Predefined Damage Patterns

Karadeniz, Derya
Yılmaz, Mustafa Tolga
Icel, Cemal
Erberik, Murat Altuğ
In this study, a two-phase simplified approach is proposed to predict the in-plane strength capacity of unreinforced masonry (URM) walls. In the first phase, in-plane damage and failure patterns of URM walls are determined from available observational (field) data, experimental data and also from numerical analysis data. Then, a set of rules are proposed to estimate damage and failure patterns of URM wall panels. In the second phase, this valuable information is employed to develop a simplified numerical model with a coarse mesh for the masonry wall, which is consistent with the crack formation at the ultimate state. Then, lower-bound limit analysis approach is used to predict the failure load of the wall without any detailed micro-element analysis. At the final stage, the proposed approach is verified by comparing the numerical results with experimental data from URM wall tests. By the assistance of this approach, it becomes possible to estimate the lateral capacities of ordinary, non-engineered URM walls and buildings from damage patterns at failure state. As an ultimate goal, this structural information can be used for seismic risk assessment of regions where the building typology considered in this study governs the building stock.


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This study focuses on the in-plane behaviour of unreinforced masonry (URM) infill walls installed in reinforced concrete (RC) frames. Five 1/4-scale model frames were designed based on a prototype RC building with URM infill walls in Turkey. The experimental parameters were the layout of the URM infill (its presence or absence), number of spans (single or double), number of stories (single or double), and stacking pattern of the URM infill (horizontal or vertical). Static cyclic loading tests were conducted...
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Citation Formats
D. Karadeniz, M. T. Yılmaz, C. Icel, and M. A. Erberik, “Simplified Approach for In-Plane Strength Capacity of URM Walls by Using Lower-Bound Limit Analysis and Predefined Damage Patterns,” BUILDINGS, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 0–0, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: