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Effect of imagined contact on relationship between ideological attitudes, perceived threat, and prejudice towards Syrians: dual process model perspective
Gül Aksoy, Büşra
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Turkey has hosted millions of Syrians since 2011. Millions of Syrians came to the country in a short time. Hosts in Turkey were not prepared to face with this mass influx. Therefore, hosts generally reflect negative attitudes towards Syrians and this negativeness may result in conflict between these groups. To prevent violence and conflict between these groups, it is important to reveal antecedents of intergroup prejudice in Turkish context. According to Dual Process Model of prejudice, ideological attitudes (Social Dominance Orientation-SDO and Right-Wing Authoritarianism-RWA) predict prejudice through two independent paths. In this study, relationship between CJW (Competitive Jungle World), DWB (Dangerous World Belief), SDO, RWA, threat perception, and prejudice was investigated (Study 1). In Study 1, there were 246 participants. The results indicated that DWB did not predict RWA. However, CJW predicted prejudice through the mediation of SDO and realistic threat. Moreover, effect of imagined contact on that relationship was tried to be revealed (Study 2). In Study 2, there were 453 participants. It was found that imagined contact decreased the prejudice depending on the prejudice measure. The results indicated that dual process model of prejudice partially works in Syrians context in Turkey and imagined contact decreases prejudice depending on prejudice measure.
Subject Keywords
Social dominance orientation
Right-wing authoritarianism
Threat perception
Imagined contact
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
B. Gül Aksoy, “Effect of imagined contact on relationship between ideological attitudes, perceived threat, and prejudice towards Syrians: dual process model perspective,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2023.