Öztürk, Yasemin
Trust is required for a healthy and well-functioning financial system. However, limited evidence is present on what affects confidence towards the banks. Utilizing a sample drawn from the latest waves of World Value Survey (WVS), this thesis constructs multilevel- logit models to account for factors at both the micro and macro level of individuals. The findings confirm the nested structure of trust in banks. The findings of this study show that the majority of socio-economic characteristics of individuals explain trust in banks. Economic values of individuals are also found to be significant correlates of trust. It is also confirmed that individuals who trust others are more likely to trust in banks. In line with previous studies, findings of this thesis point out that country-level factors do not matter for trust. Considering the importance of trust in financial development and economic stability, this thesis offers valuable insights for policymakers on how trust of individuals responds to several factors on both micro and macro levels.


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Citation Formats
Y. Öztürk, “TRUST IN BANKS: A MULTI-LEVEL ANALYSIS,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2023.