A content-based syllabus desin for the Department of Basic English at METU

Warchol, A Stephen


A needs-based writing syllabus for the students of international relations and political science at Başkent University
Işık, Elvan Eda; Daloğlu, Ayşegül; Department of English Language Teaching (2002)
A modular ESP course design for the advanced learners of English at the Department of International Relations at METU
Toplu, F Gül; Koç, Sabri; Department of English Language Teaching (1996)
A Content analysis of early childhood education graduate theses written in Turkey
Demirtaş İlhan, Seden; Tantekin Erden, Feyza; Department of Early Childhood Education (2017)
This study aims to investigate descriptive characteristics, research topics and methodological procedures of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations regarding early childhood education in Turkey. Within the scope of the current study, 931 M.S. theses, and 171 Ph.D. dissertations were analyzed according to university, institute, department, publication year, the degree held by the advisor, research topic, the sample group, the city where the study took place, research setting of the study, the type of res...
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The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the needs of the third year Management students of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences at Baskent University with regard to the English-Turkish Translation Course through the perceptions of the students; course instructors including the course designer; graduates who took the course; subject-area instructors of the Department of Management; and the professionals practicing in different fields of management and business administration. Bas...
Citation Formats
A. S. Warchol, “A content-based syllabus desin for the Department of Basic English at METU,” Middle East Technical University, 1991.