The crisis of ego in modern English fiction

Lekesizalın, ferma


The Relationship of art and truth in the philosophy of Heidegger /
Kurt, Fikret; Ceylan, Yasin; Department of Philosophy (2014)
Revolutionary vision of Heidegger’s philosophy is rooted into the unthinking of the history of philosophy, and his extraordinary endeavor is to unravel whatever remained ignored under the courses of traditional philosophy: The meaning of the question of Being. By interrogating the meaning of the question of Being, Heidegger traces back to reveal the essential horizons related to the origin of thought and truth. Heidegger criticizes the traditional understanding of truth based on correspondence theory of tru...
The Mystery of the Social Crisis Critique and Change in Durkheim
Topal, Çağatay (null; 2013-09-02)
The Modernist Crisis of Representation and the Restoration of Ecocentrism in Dylan Thomas’s Poetry
Altındağ, Zümrüt; Birlik, Nurten (2020-07-22)
The Historiographic Problem in the Renaissance
Vatan Demirkan, Pelin; Boztemur, Recep; Department of History (2023-3-22)
This thesis aims to analyze some characteristics of history writing in the Renaissance era as an overlooked concept of the subject. In the literature, the period is perceived either in too romantic or too critical perspectives. The former side views the era as the emergent movement of modern European culture, without analyzing its Medieval characteristics. On the other hand, the latter side tends to underestimate the significant features of this era, mostly because of romantic perspective’s effect. Neverthe...
The visual formation of cartesian subject in modern metaphysics : a critique of Cogito philosophy
Ganioğlu, Zafer; Akçay, Ali Adnan; Department of Sociology (2006)
This thesis scrutinizes modern metaphysics through a specific reading and critique of Cartesian Philosophy. In the study, the concepts of metaphysics, ideology, modernity, subject and modern science are re-examined in their relations among them and in that the peculiarity of modern metaphysics is attempted to be revealed. At the core of the thesis, Descartes’ understanding of subject is inquired to be modern subject, and its role in the transformations happened in Western world with the advent of modern age...
Citation Formats
f. Lekesizalın, “The crisis of ego in modern English fiction,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.