The formal functions of travels and pastoral descriptions in Don quixote and Joseph Andrews

Canlı , Ayşen Saraçoğlu


The Uses of the World Soul in Plato's Timaeus
Evren, Şahan; Bağçe, Samet; Department of Philosophy (2009)
The purpose of the present study is to assess the explanatory value of the concept of the World Soul in the cosmological account of Plato’s Timaeus. The World Soul plays a crucial role in the account of the world of Becoming in the Timaeus and in Plato’s philosophy of science. The World Soul explains why there is motion at all in the universe and sustains the regularity and uniformity of the motion of the celestial objects. Its constitution and the way it is generated by the Demiurge endow it an intermediar...
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Akçelik, Oğuz; Grünberg, Teo; Department of Philosophy (2022-9)
This thesis is about the structure and unity of atomic Fregean Thoughts as abstract structured entities which are the meanings and the primary truth-bearers of sentences as well as the objects of attitudes. We explicate Frege’s theory of Thoughts to argue that it is the most adequate semantic theory for explaining the meaning and truth of natural language expressions. However, there are certain problems concerning the structure and unity of Fregean Thoughts. Our initial conjecture is that Frege’s theory is ...
The formal functions of the enclosure-exodus and literary allusions in Jane Eyre
Sonsuz, Eva Banu; Karabaş, Seyfi; Department of English Literature (1996)
The genealogy of the moral modules
Bolender, J (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2003-05-01)
This paper defends a cognitive theory of those emotional reactions which motivate and constrain moral judgment. On this theory, moral emotions result from mental faculties specialized for automatically producing feelings of approval or disapproval in response to mental representations of various social situations and actions. These faculties are modules in Fodor's sense, since they are informationally encapsulated, specialized, and contain innate information about social situations. The paper also tries to ...
Edmund Burke’de Yüce ve Jouissance, Lacancı bir okuma
Birlik, Nurten (Akdeniz University; 2018-05-18)
Burke’çü anlamda yüce, şiir kişisinin, doğada gördüğü tekil nesnelere odaklanıp bu nesnelerin arkasında yatan bütüncül metafizik yapının izlerini görebilme ya da doğada görülen nesneler aracılığıyla aşkınlığı deneyimleme çabası olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu deneyim aynı zamanda modernitede, ampirizm ve pozitivizm ile birlikte ortaya çıkan insan ve doğa kategorilerini epistemolojik bağlamda sorunsallaştırır çünkü ikisi arasında oluşmuş kopukluğu gidermeye hizmet eder. Bu bildiri odak noktası ...
Citation Formats
A. S. Canlı, “The formal functions of travels and pastoral descriptions in Don quixote and Joseph Andrews,” Middle East Technical University, 1995.