Understanding the Influence of Undercooling and Atomic Ordering on the Emerging Properties of Marginal Metallic Glasses

Okuyucu, Can
Marginal metallic glasses are a new and exciting field of study under materials science and solid-state physics. The physical laws and thermodynamics behind their first formation and emerging properties have attracted scientists for years. This study mainly focuses on the atomic ordering of the amorphous, liquid, and devitrified amorphous/crystalline phases. The influence of medium-range order and undercooling on different atomic configurations were investigated in detail. The physical and chemical properties of these alloys were investigated by advanced characterization methods. The model system to investigate these effects was chosen as Al-RE alloys. Structural and chemical reasonings for the emerging properties of Al-based marginal metallic glass formers were intensely discussed. Crystallization kinetics during devitrification was examined by thermal analyses. The mechanical property enhancement of Al-RE alloys was investigated by nanomechanical and analytical electron microscopy characterizations. At the end of this study, the correlation between atomic ordering and physical properties has been tried to be enlightened.
Citation Formats
C. Okuyucu, “Understanding the Influence of Undercooling and Atomic Ordering on the Emerging Properties of Marginal Metallic Glasses,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2023.