Financial Sentiment Index with Natural Language Processing

In this paper, we aim to create a financial sentiment index by investigating the company’s voluntary information disclosures using 10-K reports. We extract relevant financial information for sentiment analysis through Natural Language Processing (NLP). We measure strategy-related disclosures, and their cross-sectional variation and classify report content into generic sections using synonym lists divided into four main categories according to their liquidity risk profile, risk positions, intra-annual information, and their exposure to risk. We create an adequate analytical tool and a financial dictionary to depict the importance of granular financial disclosure for investors to identify correctly the risk-taking behaviour and hence make the aggregated effects traceable.
Citation Formats
A. Atak Atalık, “Financial Sentiment Index with Natural Language Processing,” presented at the 42nd EBES CONFERENCE - LISBON, Lisbon, Portekiz, 2023, Accessed: 00, 2023. [Online]. Available: