Homomorphic Encryption: A Comprehensive Study of Types, Techniques, and Real-world Applications

Tekin, Ezgi Naz
Homomorphic encryption (HE), which enables computations on encrypted data without first decrypting it, is a ground-breaking advancement in the cryptographic area. In this study, many HE schemes such as partially, somewhat, and fully are examined and the details of the algorithms in these methods are given. Furthermore, this comprehensive examination goes beyond theoretical considerations to include real-world applications of this encryption technique. It examines both the potential and the challenges of using HE as a powerful tool for ensuring security and privacy in current information systems. This exploration takes into account not only the theoretical foundations but also the practical aspects of its implementation.
Citation Formats
E. N. Tekin, “Homomorphic Encryption: A Comprehensive Study of Types, Techniques, and Real-world Applications,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2023.