Effects of Cubic Nonlinearity of Bearing on FRF of Spindle System and on Stability of Cutting Process

Kılıç, Z. Murat
Özgüven, Hasan Nevzat
Altıntaş, Yusuf
Determining Transfer Function or Frequency Response Function of machine tool tip by hammer test cannot include effects of nonlinearities in the bearings which depend on magnitude of cutting force and cutting speed. Hence, using this Frequency Response Function may lead to inaccuracy in stability prediction. In this paper, nonlinearities at the bearings of spindle-tool system are investigated. Bearing response is approximated by cubic stiffness nonlinearity. Effect of magnitude of cutting force on stability of the cutting process is analyzed. Because of the softening spring effect of bearings, natural frequencies of modes affected from nonlinearity decreased, which caused the shifting of stability lobes to lower spindle speeds. Also, increasing number of teeth decreased the effect of structural nonlinearity on the stability of process.
Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, (June 29 – July 02, 2010)
Citation Formats
Z. M. Kılıç, H. N. Özgüven, and Y. Altıntaş, “Effects of Cubic Nonlinearity of Bearing on FRF of Spindle System and on Stability of Cutting Process,” presented at the Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, (June 29 – July 02, 2010), Güzelyurt, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2010, Accessed: 00, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/105521.