Electro-smog mitigation for achieving healthy buildings: Investigating the relationship between architectural design parameters and EMR levels

Tetik, Buğra
Modern technologies have made daily life easier, but they also have some side effects; the most important are those on human health. With the spread of information and communication technologies (ICT) and electronic devices, the level of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is also increasing. In addition, new approaches, such as the smart city concept in which technology is one of the main components, increase the number of sources to emit EMR. Considering that a significant part of human life is spent indoors, buildings should be designed considering the effects of EMR on human health. EMR has been studied in different fields such as medicine, engineering, and physics. Interest has recently been increased in EMR in building science, which is already dealing with related subjects such as sick or healthy buildings, indoor air quality (IAQ) and indoor environmental quality (IEQ). Unfortunately, knowledge is not yet sufficient to design spaces considering the effects of excessive EMR on health. This study investigates the mitigating and control of excessive EMR with building design parameters. It tests the effect of design decisions on building envelope, window wall ratio, room size, and proportions, finishing materials, furniture materials and planimetric layout on shielding through in-situ measurements and computer-aided simulations. As a result, it points out to the influence of design decisions for producing healthier interior spaces in terms of EMR. In this way, it is aimed to create a reference for theory and practice in the field of architecture and to increase awareness of the relationship between EMR and healthy space design.
Citation Formats
B. Tetik, “Electro-smog mitigation for achieving healthy buildings: Investigating the relationship between architectural design parameters and EMR levels,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2023.