Reservoir Characterization of Unconventional Dadaş Formation in Southeastern Turkey

Yılmaz, İsmail Ömer
Özkul, Canalp
Mengen, Ahmet Ergün
Bensenouci, Fethi
Ezhov, Kirill
Yazaroğlu, Mehmed Ekrem
Unconventional resources are increasingly importantin the future of oil and gas industry as they potentiallyhold substantial amount of hydrocarbon. Economicalproduction from shale reservoirs is still stronglydependent on reservoir characterization of theformations that are generally conducted by usingmineralogical content of the rocks and geochemicalproperties including total organic carbon content (TOC)and maturation of the source rocks. However, theintegrated approach by describing, from microscopicto reservoir scales, the sedimentological, petrophysics,geomechanical parameters and structural aspects arealso required. The Silurian age Dadaş Shale in theDiyarbakır basin, SE Anatolian Basin are the mostprospective unconventional reservoir in Turkey.However, the potential of this unconventional formationstill remained ambiguous. Thus, sedimentologicalanalysis on cores and cuttings, petrographic analysison thin sections and SEM images, well log datainterpretation, natural fracture characterization usingBorehole Imagers (BHI) and cores are conducted tounlock the potential of Dadaş unconventional reservoirand results revealed that the Dadaş-I member of theDadaş formation has potential of source rock for thePaleozoic oil system.
21 th International Petroleum and Natural Gas Congress and Exhibition of Turkey
Citation Formats
İ. Ö. Yılmaz, C. Özkul, A. E. Mengen, F. Bensenouci, K. Ezhov, and M. E. Yazaroğlu, “Reservoir Characterization of Unconventional Dadaş Formation in Southeastern Turkey,” Ankara, Türkiye, 2023, vol. 1, Accessed: 00, 2023. [Online]. Available: