Türkiye’de sevk ve idareyi “geliştirmek” için iş dünyasının dış yardım destekli girişimleri, 1962-1980: TSİD, SİGM, SİEV

Üsdiken, Behlül
This paper is about the Turkish Management Association (TMA) founded in 1962, followed by a Management Development Center (MDC) opened in 1965 within the TMA and the Management Education Foundation (MEF) also established by the TMA in 1969. All three ceased to exist in 1978-1980. They were all initiatives by business. Based largely on primary sources, the paper first traces the emergence, foreign aid, activities and finally the demise of TMA and its two followers. The paper then turns to the intentions and hopes of the founders of TMA, MDC and MEF, the changes that took place and what has been achieved. A discussion of the 18-year history of these organizations concludes the paper. Key words: Ford Foundation, foreign aid, history of Turkish business, Institute of Business Administration, management training and education, professional management.
Citation Formats
B. Üsdiken, “Türkiye’de sevk ve idareyi “geliştirmek” için iş dünyasının dış yardım destekli girişimleri, 1962-1980: TSİD, SİGM, SİEV,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 285–321, 2023, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: http://www2.feas.metu.edu.tr/metusd/ojs/index.php/metusd/article/view/1313/568.