Spatiotemporal Evolution of Toddlers’ Regional Foot Pressure Distribution and Center of Pressure at Antero-Posterior Axis During Learning of Standing

Pourreza, Elmira
Yaradanakul, Naci Barış
Cengiz, Berat Can
Camurdan, Aysu Duyan
Gürses, Senih
We investigated quiet stance of newly standing toddlers every three months (trimesters) of their second year of life. Their anteroposterior center-of-pressure (CoPx) velocity and centroidal frequency (CFREQ: 2.36 6 0.10 to 1.50 6 0.11 Hz) decreased over time. Besides, mean pressures revealed a potential role-sharing of foot regions in learning and control aspects of standing, with hindfoot carrying the highest (23.89 6 6.47 kPa) pressure while forefoot the lowest (10.26 6 2.51 kPa). The highest CFREQ of pressure signal was at midfoot. Through regional CoPx, forefoot has manifested the highest CFREQ (2.10 6 0.40 Hz) and 90% power frequency (90%PF), whereas hindfoot presented the lowest (CFREQ: 1.80 6 0.33 Hz). CFREQ and 90%PF of pressure and regional CoPx significantly decreased throughout the trimesters.
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Citation Formats
E. Pourreza, N. B. Yaradanakul, B. C. Cengiz, A. D. Camurdan, M. ZİNNUROĞLU, and S. Gürses, “Spatiotemporal Evolution of Toddlers’ Regional Foot Pressure Distribution and Center of Pressure at Antero-Posterior Axis During Learning of Standing,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, vol. 146, no. 1, pp. 0–0, 2024, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: