Embodied and disembodied technical change: a multi-factorial analysis of German firms

Grupp, Hariolf
Schwitalla, Beatrix
Major determinants of innovation and their interrelation arc analysed using regression and factorial analyses for 240 German firms. Apart from the analysis of research and development expenditures, the appropriation of disembodied technical progress along with embodied progress (capital investment in innovative goods) have to be considered in order to get a concisc picture of innovation. Size and industry effects seem to be weak determinants in innovation as industry branches are quite heterogeneous. A distinction between firms absorbing disembodied and embodied changc seems to be more important.
Citation Formats
H. Grupp and B. Schwitalla, “Embodied and disembodied technical change: a multi-factorial analysis of German firms,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 75–105, 1998, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: http://www2.feas.metu.edu.tr/metusd/ojs/index.php/metusd.