Exploring user experience and perceptions of a location-based augmented reality game: the case of METU Discover

Altınsoy, Zafer
Location-based games use real-world location as a fundamental element of gameplay, potentially influencing players' relationships with their surroundings. This thesis aims to understand user experience and perceptions of a location-based augmented reality game. To do that, a location-based augmented reality game named METU Discover is developed, which is focused on exploration of the flora in the Middle East Technical University campus ecosystem. As a part of the development process, a usability test was conducted with seven participants and based on their feedback usability improvements were implemented to the game. In the main study, eight participants played the game and participated in an interview on usability of the game, the game’s effects on plant awareness and participant's sense of belonging to the university. Based on the analysis of the interview data, the impact of the developed game on the players is described in detail, along with the steps followed in its design and development which includes insights for the design of location-based augmented reality games, based on the results obtained from usability test. The data analysis revealed that the game encouraged players to explore their environment more and increased their awareness of the biodiversity of the campus flora.
Citation Formats
Z. Altınsoy, “Exploring user experience and perceptions of a location-based augmented reality game: the case of METU Discover,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.