The Issues with Psychoanalytic Supervision in Clinical Psychology: Evaluations, Criticisms, and Recommendations

Aktaş, Dilan
Kartal, Fatoş
Gençöz, Faruk
The present article aimed to provide a theoretical overview of supervisor training. Accordingly, first, the conceptualization of supervision was critically examined. Then, the current state of supervisor training as a general term was explained, both globally and in Turkey. After that, the psychoanalytic supervision process was discussed from a historical perspective and psychoanalytic supervision practices in the field of Lacanian psychoanalysis were presented. Finally, in light of the formation of psychoanalytic supervision programs by various institutions from the past to the present, the institutionalization of supervisor training, along with criticism and recommendations, was analyzed. This research has revealed that becoming a supervisor is a challenging and experience-intensive task. Given the scarcity of research and applications in this field, it is expected that this review will serve as a pioneering compilation that will accelerate developments in the field. This article also has the potential to encourage future efforts in the field and bring forth innovative approaches and methods.
Citation Formats
D. Aktaş, F. Kartal, and F. Gençöz, “The Issues with Psychoanalytic Supervision in Clinical Psychology: Evaluations, Criticisms, and Recommendations,” Ayna Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 38–51, 2024, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: