An Evaluation of the Spatial Repercussions of Student Mobility Policy in European Higher Education Area Using Network Analysis

Şahin, Savaş Zafer
Bulut Şahin, Betül
Emrah Söylemez
The mobility of international students is a crucial tool for the European Union's goal of creating a unified European Higher Education Area. Despite the initial assumption that all European universities and students can benefit equally from cross-university study experiences, certain European regions have become disproportionately favored over time. This has resulted in specific geographical patterns, challenging the principles of equality and openness in the EU's higher education policy. To better understand these spatial effects and enhance the EU's mobility policy effectiveness, this research analyzes the network properties of Erasmus+, comparing it with traditional degree-seeking activities. Utilizing a modularity measure with data from the EU and UNESCO, the study reveals significant sub-regional variations in the Erasmus+ geographical network, posing challenges for policy implementation and limiting mobility alternatives.
Citation Formats
S. Z. Şahin, B. Bulut Şahin, and B. Emrah Söylemez, “An Evaluation of the Spatial Repercussions of Student Mobility Policy in European Higher Education Area Using Network Analysis,” RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION & LEADERSHIP, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 74–121, 2024, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: