Territoriality in the Making: A PYD Analysis via School Textbooks

Öztürk, Abdullah
The inquiry of this thesis is a very contentious non-state actor, the PYD, and more specifically, its territorial perception. The critical analysis of the conception of territoriality in school textbooks is believed to reveal a cognitive map of the PYD regarding its territorial direction. In this regard, the territorial perception is scrutinized through educational textbooks taught at the primary, secondary, and high school levels in the PYD administration. To do that, this thesis methodologically applies qualitative content analysis since it provides a detailed explanation of a scientific subject‘s materials to comprehend its meaning through the coding system and, thereby, the interpretation. Based on the constructivist view, this thesis examines territoriality as it pertains to the concepts of national identity, nationalism, and homeland. To this end, it is observed that this conception leads to the construction of the perception of occupied territories, resistance, liberation, and governance. Findings drawn from data collection show that all discursive practices, such as territorialization of history, mapping, and poetic space, are all used to construct this trajectory regarding territory.
Citation Formats
A. Öztürk, “Territoriality in the Making: A PYD Analysis via School Textbooks,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2024.