Metallography of a heat treated modified austenitic manganese steel containing 1 % V.

Atalay, İsmet Ruşen


Metallographic and mechanical studies on plain carbon and vanadium containing dual phase structural steels
Bolvadin, Hakan; Tekin, Erdoğan; Department of Metallurgical Engineering (1990)
Metallographic examination of liquid phase sintering of aluminium-copper and aluminium-zinc systems
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Metallurgical approach to controlled synthesis of composite, patchy, striped and Janus particles in large scale
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Metallurgical influence on quench distortion of SAE 52100 long cylinders
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Quenching of steel components results in complex and hard-to-predict dimensional and shape changes (distortion). Even the components manufactured from different parts of the same semifinished product may show significantly different distortion behaviours during quenching. The reason is thought to be non-uniform distribution of distortion potential carriers in the final component (i.e. alloying elements, segregations, residual stresses and phases) which are accumulated throughout the whole manufacturing chai...