Comparison of the Sociolinguistic Features of the Posts of Female Politicians on the X Platform: The Cases of Meral Akşener and Kamala Harris

Olgun Taş, Sebahat Elif
This study attempts to discover the sociolinguistic features of the language used by two female politicians, Kamala Harris from the US and Meral Akşener from Türkiye as well as their similarities and differences depending on the power relationships, culture, and politics. This is an interdisciplinary study to achieve the goals of finding out (1) the effects of culture and, (2) effects of their political beliefs on the language used they used on their X posts. The data was analyzed through a mixed method design where quantitative results are integrated into the qualitative framework of Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough (1995) combined with the Feminist (Lazar, 2005) and Queer theories (Butler, 1993). 1074 posts related to the discourses of education and gender from two female politicians were analyzed with the help of SPSS for the quantitative method and MAXQDA was benefitted for coding to disclose the cultural elements of the language in the Critical Discourse Analysis. The findings presented that (1) Akşener and Harris were affected by their cultures according to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Model, (2) and their political beliefs while posting about gender and education on X.
Citation Formats
S. E. Olgun Taş, “Comparison of the Sociolinguistic Features of the Posts of Female Politicians on the X Platform: The Cases of Meral Akşener and Kamala Harris,” M.A. - Master of Arts, Middle East Technical University, 2024.