Effect of energy efficiency (Ecodesign and Energy labelling) regulations on sustainable development

Hamidioğulları, Melik Hüseyin
Energy efficiency is essential in times of energy scarcity. The role of sustainability in every area has a profound effect in terms of energy consumption and production; therefore, energy efficiency should be handled from a sustainability perspective in order to succeed in the competition between the development of the countries. “Energy Efficiency First” is a fundamental principle for countries implementing energy policies strategically. In order to guarantee that the countries can meet their 2030 aim of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, product regulation on energy efficiency (Ecodesign and Energy Labelling) should be implemented determinedly. This study focuses on product regulations from a sustainability perspective since it is a significantly new term, and product regulations have not yet been re-evaluated from a sustainability perspective. This study examines the extent to which the goals of sustainable development are directly linked to product regulations regarding energy efficiency. It also analyses the challenges and problems that constitute obstacles to the implementation of such regulations in sectors, including white appliances, lighting, and machinery. Furthermore, the objective was to ascertain the participants’ perspectives on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the implications of new sustainability requirements for products. Consequently, the survey results were subjected to analysis, and based on these findings, recommendations were proposed for preparing the industry for the design of sustainable products. These recommendations included the establishment of a design hub, the conducting of collaborative projects with suppliers, the overcoming of institutional gaps, and the enhancement of cooperation between public authorities and the private sector for the transition to a circular economy.
Citation Formats
M. H. Hamidioğulları, “Effect of energy efficiency (Ecodesign and Energy labelling) regulations on sustainable development,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.