Assessing the Integrity of the Historic Layers of a Multi-Layered Settlement to the Current Urban Context: The Case of Ankara

Üstün, Zeynep Buket
The towns which have been continuously inhabited since old times, resulted in possessing physical traces of historical continuity are referred as “multi-layered”. Connections between current space and previous layers contribute to physical richness of a town, signifying the value of an urban context. When these connections start being lost, the traces of distinct historical layers are not perceived as part of a whole and their conservation cannot be achieved. Thus, conserving the historical continuity depends on sustaining the integrity between the layers. Accordingly, the aim is understanding and assessing the integrity of historic layers with the current context. Hence, Ankara is chosen as the study area, inhabited since pre-historic times and thus characterized by being a multi-layered town. To achieve this, the first step is understanding the layering and achieving its spatial representation by using Geographical Information System. Also, to assess the integration levels of the layers and provide strategies, a new framework is produced to assess the physical, functional, visual and intellectual integration by defining parameters from conservation and city planning literature. The results showed the significance of creating a city-scale integration assessment and strategy development for sustaining historical stratification. In ensuring the integration of historical stratification with the contemporary city, the main strategies are accessibility of the areas, their functionality prioritizing the use of the inhabitants, their visual perceptibility and their potential to provide information to the citizens. The proposed framework could contribute to further studies on the integration of historic layers with the contemporary city.
Citation Formats
Z. B. Üstün, “Assessing the Integrity of the Historic Layers of a Multi-Layered Settlement to the Current Urban Context: The Case of Ankara,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.