Solution of electromagnetic problems by using transmission line matrix method

Akkaya, Murat Koray


Solution of 2D electromagnetic scattering problems using transmission line matrix method
Bektaş, Filiz; Günalp, Nilgün; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1997)
Solution of field problems by the finite element method
Taş, Recep; Leblebicioğlu, Kemal; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1993)
Solution of 2D electromagnetic scattering problems by the finite difference time domain method.
Karbeyaz, Ersel; Günalp, Nigün; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2002)
Solution of the antenna palcement problem by means of global optimization techniques
Ural, Mustafa; Kuzuoğlu, Mustafa; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2010)
In this thesis work, minimization of platform-based coupling between the antennas of two VHF radios on an aircraft platform and two HF radios on a ship platform is aimed. For this purpose; an optimal antenna placement, which yields minimum average coupling between the antennas over the whole frequency band of operation is determined for each platform. Two important global optimization techniques, namely Genetic Algorithm Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization, are used in determination of these optima...
Solution of initial and boundary value problems by the variational iteration method
Altintan, D.; Uğur, Ömür (2014-03-15)
The Variational Iteration Method (VIM) is an iterative method that obtains the approximate solution of differential equations. In this paper, it is proven that whenever the initial approximation satisfies the initial conditions, vim obtains the solution of Initial Value Problems (IVPs) with a single iteration. By using this fact, we propose a new algorithm for Boundary Value Problems (BVPs): linear and nonlinear ones. Main advantage of the present method is that it does not use Green's function, however, it...
Citation Formats
M. K. Akkaya, “Solution of electromagnetic problems by using transmission line matrix method,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.