Cooperative Organization and Participatory Design Experiments for Housing Settlements in Turkey from Mid-1960s to Mid-1980s

Atıcı, Melike
Based on the argument that cooperative organization has provided a suitable ground for the development of participatory design implementations, this thesis investigates the participatory practices in the planning and design of housing settlements produced through cooperative organization. In this regard, the theoretical discussions on housing and urbanization, the development of the cooperative model, and the emergence of the participatory design ideas throughout the 20th century constitute the conceptual background of the study. The architectural and urban paradigms, such as the Garden City, Regional City, New Towns, Neighborhood Unit, Functional City, as well as the related issues of cooperation, zoning, squatter prevention, suburbanization, low-cost housing, self-help and participation, are crucial to understand the global trajectory of the housing question. In this context, the development of the housing discourse in Turkey is studied to understand the place of the cooperative housing model and the emergence of the first participatory ideas. In this scope, two archival researches were conducted: First, an investigation on the housing policies was carried out through the legal regulations and the National Development Plans from the beginning of the Republican period to the early 1980s. Secondly, the articles published in Mimarlık journal between 1963 and 1983 were examined to elucidate the evolution of the discourse on housing and urbanization within the architectural profession in this period. In the light of the housing discourse and policies, four prominent housing settlement projects, in which user participation was experimented, were studied in detail. Çorum Binevler Settlement, Edirne Cumhuriyet Neighborhood, İzmit New Settlement Project, and Batıkent Project in Ankara, that were carried out with the cooperative housing model in the 1970s, were examined in terms of the possibilities and limitations of participatory design in housing settlements. These projects offered a variety of housing design solutions despite the inexperience and setbacks encountered during the process.
Citation Formats
M. Atıcı, “Cooperative Organization and Participatory Design Experiments for Housing Settlements in Turkey from Mid-1960s to Mid-1980s,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2024.