The Protective Role of Perceived Parental Guidance on the Association Between Playing Violent Video Games, Identification with the Game Character and Aggression Among Turkish Boys

Çoksan, Sami
Şahin, Seda Merve
Yıldız-çoksan, Serpil
The association between violent video games and aggression has been discussed for a long time. While some studies point out positive relationships between these variables, some emphasize that there is no relationship. This contrast indicates that new research should focus on mediating and moderating variables between variables. Thus, the current study aimed to examine the moderating role of perceived parental guidance on the association between the duration of playing violent video game, identification with the game character, and aggression among Turkish boys using moderated mediation analysis. Participants (N = 130, Mage = 13.43, SD = 1.64) stated how many hours a week they played customizable games featuring a character in which the character was directed by the player within a story. They also expressed their identification with these characters, their aggressive attitude towards their peers and society, and their perceived guidance from their parents. The results showed that identification with the game character had a positive mediating role between the duration of playing violent video games and aggression; however, on the perceived high parental guidance condition, this relationship was lost. The findings are discussed in the context of the protectiveness of perceived parental guidance.
Youth Voice Journal
Citation Formats
S. Çoksan, S. M. Şahin, and S. Yıldız-çoksan, “The Protective Role of Perceived Parental Guidance on the Association Between Playing Violent Video Games, Identification with the Game Character and Aggression Among Turkish Boys,” Youth Voice Journal, vol. 13, pp. 5–24, 2023, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: