Topology-Lattice Optimization of an Extendable Wing

Kayran, Altan
Aksoy, Buğra
The main focus of this study is to develop a structural concept for an extendable wing for munition utilizing lattice cell assisted topology optimization followed by size optimization of the radii of the strut-based lattice cells. The topology optimization of the design space of the wing structure is performed using the Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) method for minimum compliance subject to volume fraction constraint. Depending on the relative density distribution, the topology optimized region is filled with strut-based lattice structures. Following the lattice assisted topology optimization, size optimizations for the radii of the lattice cells are performed using single and multi-objective functions. The resulting optimized wing structures are compared with each other in terms of their mechanical performances and weight. The results shows that the mechanical performance of the wing structure can be increased by employing lattice cell structures. Size optimizations performed using single and multi-objective functions also showed that the mechanical performances of the lattice assisted topology optimized wing structures are very close to each other and as a result of two level optimization approximately 17.5% weight reduction is achieved.
10th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering, MCM 2024
Citation Formats
A. Kayran and B. Aksoy, “Topology-Lattice Optimization of an Extendable Wing,” presented at the 10th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering, MCM 2024, Barcelona, İspanya, 2024, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: