Department of Aerospace Engineering, Conference / Seminar

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Publication (1059)

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No (992)
Yes (67)

Tekinalp, Ozan (107)
Kayran, Altan (84)
Yaman, Yavuz (82)
Tuncer, İsmail Hakkı (78)
Şahin, Melin (71)

Computational fluid dynamics (17)
Aerodynamics (16)
Delamination (14)
Finite element analysis (14)
Composite materials (7)

Date Issued
1984 - 1989 (6)
1990 - 1999 (46)
2000 - 2009 (174)
2010 - 2019 (632)
2020 - 2024 (201)

Item Type
Conference Paper (1005)
Workshop (4)
Conference (3)
Journal Article (3)
Presentation (2)

Recent Submissions

Pala Elemanı Teorisi Tabanlı Helikopter Rotor Simülasyonları için Aerodinamik Düzeltme Modelleri
Dağalp, Alper; Bayrak, Yusuf; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-09-18)
Rotor Pala Uç Şeklinin Aerodinamik Performansa Etkisinin Helikopter Rotor Simülasyon Modeli ile İncelenmesi
Arslan, Ayşe; Yaparlar, Teoman; Çetinel, Deniz Can; Dağalp, Alper; Bayrak, Yusuf; Sezer Uzol, Nilay; Okçu, Ilgaz Doğa (2024-09-18)
Kanat Konfigürasyonlarının Aeroelastik Tepkisinin Nümerik Metotlar ile İncelenmesi
Fırat, Ali Osman; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-09-18)
Pala Elemanı Teorisi Tabanlı Helikopter Rotor Simülasyonları için Trim ve Doğrusallaştırma Modellerinin İncelenmesi
Hafızoğlu, Utku; Çetinel, Deniz Can; Bayrak, Yusuf; Sezer Uzol, Nilay; Okçu, Ilgaz Doğa (2024-09-18)
Sesüstü Harici Sıkıştırma Rampalı Hava Alığı Modelinin Farklı Türbülans Modelleri ile Sayısal İncelenmesi
Özcan, Muhammed Enes; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-09-18)
Hydroacoustic analysis of tip-vortex cavitation behind a ship propeller
Başkan Perçin, Özge; Fiscaletti, Daniele; Elsinga, Gerrit; Van Terwisga, Tom (2024-06-05)
Effect of Induction and Blade Elasticity Modelling on Wind Turbine Rotor Performance Predictions
Aryan, Navıd; Öztürk, İldeniz; Putra, Muhammad Juanda; Sezer Uzol, Nilay; Oğuz, Elif; Greco, Luca (2024-05-27)
Parallel CFD Simulation and Performance Analysis of a 2D Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using Sliding Mesh Method
ÖNEL, HÜSEYİN CAN; Adam, Ali Ata; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-05-15)
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Viscous Flow Over a Circular Cylinder for Reynolds Numbers of 20 to 200
Karasuer, Tahsin Alper; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-05-15)
Numerical Simulations of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines using Open-Source Codes on HPC
Putra, Muhammad Juanda; Sezer Uzol, Nilay; Uçar, Muhammed; Oğuz, Elif (2024-05-15)
In the present study, the numerical modeling and simulations of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) are presented. The analyses are carried out utilizing a variety of open-source codes and run on a High-Performance C...
Numerical Simulations of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines using Open-Source Codes on HPC Score
PUTRA, MUHAMMAD JUANDA; Sezer Uzol, Nilay; Uçar, Muhammed; Oğuz, Elif (2024-05-15)
Parallel Strategies for Iterative Kriging-Based Surrogate Model Optimization: Bayesian Inference in Engineering Simulations
Sunay, Yunus Emre; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-05-13)
Improving the Load Carrying Capacity of Highly Tapered Laminates
Ergin, Fırat; Kayran, Altan (2024-02-08)
Kat düşme bölgelerindeki artan gerilimler, katman ayrılmasına neden olur ve çok sayıda katın kısa mesafede sonlandırıldığı kompozit parçaların mukavemetini azaltır. Bu çalışmada, yüksek oranda konikleştirilmiş lamine kompo...
Aerodynamic Measurements and Benefit Quantification of a Boundary Layer Ingested Propulsion System
Bilyaz, İbrahim Soner; Başkan Perçin, Özge (2024-01-04)
Nanoscratching of polycrystalline copper examined through strain gradient crystal plasticity
Günay, Enes; Ozdemir, Merthan; Yalçınkaya, Tuncay (2024-01-01)
Nanoscratch testing is a method pivotal for evaluating the mechanical and tribological characteristics of materials which involves the controlled scratching of specimens with a nano-scale indenter. This research delves int...
Formulation of a Bilinear Traction-Separation Interface Law in Boundary Elements with Homogenization
Akay, Ahmet Arda; Göktepe, Serdar; Gürses, Ercan (2024-01-01)
Similar to most conventional composite materials, the interface is generally the weakest part of nanocomposites. For this reason, the behavior of the reinforcement-matrix interface is critical for determining the strength ...
Experimental Study on Active Vibration Control of a Piezo-Beam Structure with Finite Series Based Adaptive Controller
Gezer, R. Berk; Alan, A. Burkay; Kutay, Ali Türker; Şahin, Melin (2024-01-01)
This study presents an experimental investigation of an active vibration control system implemented on a piezo-beam structure consisting of a cantilever beam with lead zirconium titanate (PZT) patches positioned at the roo...
Numerical Investigation of Aerodynamic Uncertainties Caused by Turbulence Modeling for a Missile in Transonic Flow
Durmuş, Salih Kağan; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-01-01)
This study describes the approach for assessing the uncertainties in CFD simulations solving the Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations for a generic missile geometry in transonic flows. The steady-state RANS sim...
Topology-Lattice Optimization of an Extendable Wing
Kayran, Altan; Aksoy, Buğra (2024-01-01)
The main focus of this study is to develop a structural concept for an extendable wing for munition utilizing lattice cell assisted topology optimization followed by size optimization of the radii of the strut-based lattic...
Dwell fatigue fracture in Ti microstructures through crystal plasticity and phase field fracture frameworks
Bulut, Orhun; Erdoğan, Can; Yalçınkaya, Tuncay (2024-01-01)
Titanium alloys, due to their advantageous properties are used to construct key components in aero-engines. However, their susceptibility to dwell fatigue conditions has been known to lead to a severe reduction in function...
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