Correlation for oxygen transfer coefficient for high cell density yeast and analysis of mixing in bioreactors using computational fluid dynamics

Koyuncu, Alper
Bioreactor operation conditions are important for production of biomolecules. Herein; oxygen transfer at laboratory scale and mixing at industrial and laboratory scale bioreactors were analysed. In oxygen transfer, a model was proposed to predict oxygen transfer coefficient (k_La) in high-cell-density cultures. The effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae concentration, superficial gas velocity (v_s), liquid apparent viscosity (\mu_a), the gassed power input per liquid working volume (P_G/V), and stirrer speed (N) on k_La were investigated. The k_La values were measured using dead cell-based dynamic method for non-Newtonian and Newtonian media. k_La was determined at the cell concentrations of C_x= 0 – 125 g L-1 to create non-Newtonian and Newtonian environments, at v_s= 4 x 10-4 – 3.2 x 10-3 m s-1, N= 250 – 900 min-1, P_G/V= 60 – 9600 W{\ m}^{-3}. We calculated power input using five correlations and then proposed k_La models for each power input model. Best-fitted model makes predictions with standard deviation (SD) of 7.7% for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Considering best-fitted power input model and calculated viscosity values, we proposed dimensionless model with SD of 8.74%. In mixing, mixing time by computational fluid dyanmics (CFD) in lab and industrial scale bioreactors were conducted. Two simulations were conducted with models supplied by M-Star simulation and results were compared with two cases, a study of Guillard & Trägårdh (2003) and Hadijev et al. (2006) to verify accuracy of results. Analysis of industrial-scale bioreactor with 8 m^3 working volume has SD of 10.12%. Analysis of lab-scale bioreactor with 0.005 m^3 working volume has SD of 22.31%.
Citation Formats
A. Koyuncu, “Correlation for oxygen transfer coefficient for high cell density yeast and analysis of mixing in bioreactors using computational fluid dynamics,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.