A comparative analysis of various 3D mesh optimization algorithms for assessing effectiveness on sustaining virtual visual illusion

Eronat, Ümit
3D modeling is essential in fields like architecture, engineering, and virtual reality, but high-resolution 3D models often demand significant data and computational resources. Mesh simplification algorithms address this issue by reducing model complexity while maintaining visual and structural fidelity. In this study, it is aimed to make a comparative analysis of three mesh simplification algorithms to evaluate how effectively these algorithms perform while still preserving high visual fidelity, specifically by maintaining a profound auditory-visual illusion, referred to as McGurk effect. Since the McGurk effect is a subjective phenomenon, a voluntary user study was conducted to gather data to make the comparison. In the scope of this study, the user study was conducted with 42 participants, of whom 29 passed the preliminary test and contributed usable data for the analysis. Participants were presented with a series of video questions featuring different simplified variations of a head model used for lip-sync animation, and asked to identify what they perceived. This head model was simplified at different levels of vertex reduction using the compared mesh simplification algorithms. The findings showed that different mesh simplification algorithms can exhibit significant variations in their ability to sustain the McGurk effect, depending on the syllable. The findings also provide valuable insights for model designers working with the McGurk effect and offer guidance for future research utilizing mesh simplification algorithms in 3D models for McGurk effect studies.
Citation Formats
Ü. Eronat, “A comparative analysis of various 3D mesh optimization algorithms for assessing effectiveness on sustaining virtual visual illusion,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.