Sustainability Consciousness In New Generations

Aras, Melike
The aim of this study is to investigate the sustainability consciousness levels of ninthgrade students in Turkey and how well students' sustainable behavior levels can be predicted by using their sustainable knowingness and sustainable attitude levels. The study employed associational research methodologies, including correlational and causal-comparative research. Data for the main study was collected from 922 ninthgrade students currently enrolled in five different public Anatolian high schools and two public science high schools located in the Şehitkamil district of Gaziantep, selected through the convenience sampling method. All data were collected in the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. The ninth-grade students’ sustainability consciousness were obtained through Sustainability Consciousness Questionnaire adapted into Turkish by Yüksel and Yıldız (2019). Descriptive statistics showed high-level sustainability consciousness for these students. Moreover, the findings revealed a significant gender difference in sustainability consciousness levels, with male students exhibiting a higher-level sustainability consciousness than females. In order to examine the significant predictors of sustainable behaviors path analysis was conducted. Results showed that sustainable attitude can directly predict ninth grade students’ sustainable behavior, whereas sustainable knowingness indirectly.
Citation Formats
M. Aras, “Sustainability Consciousness In New Generations,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.