Design, optimization, and autonomous construction of Martian infrastructure including slabs using in-situ CO2-based polyethylene

Koca, Emrullah
Türer, Ahmet
A crucial development in 21st-century space exploration is the establishment of human settlements on Mars. In recent years, Mars exploration rovers have been deployed, and studies investigating human journeys to Mars have been conducted, with the objective of a human-crewed mission to Mars before 2050. This study presents an innovative approach to designing and optimizing Martian habitats by using in-situ CO2-based polyethylene (PE) as a construction material for Martian buildings and greenhouses. It seeks to develop sustainable and resilient habitats on Mars, leveraging local resources to address the environmental challenges specific to the Martian environment. The research targets several key areas: realistic construction techniques, effective utilization of in-situ materials, and building resilience under the harsh Martian conditions. These conditions include radiation, micrometeoroid impacts, low atmospheric pressure, low gravity, wind storms, temperature extremes, Paschen discharge, and marsquakes. Finite element analysis (FEA) of several pressurized spherical structures is used to design and optimize for minimum material usage, inspired by soap bubbles that naturally stick together with separating walls. The proposed habitat design features a central spherical structure surrounded by nine smaller spheres, optimized for material efficiency. It is demonstrated that utilizing two layers of 0.1 m thick PE and a 0.5 m thick CO2 layer in between them offers significant protection against Martian environmental loads such as radiation shielding and thermal insulation. It facilitates light transmission into the building. This study offers a realistic structural system for buildings and greenhouses that can be constructed using in-situ materials and is suitable for an optimal 539-day stay on Mars. The pcroposed autonomous robotic arm technology can perform all necessary tasks, from producing PE to automatically assembling the Mars Spherical Building (MSB), including in-place slab printing.
Journal of Building Engineering
Citation Formats
E. Koca and A. Türer, “Design, optimization, and autonomous construction of Martian infrastructure including slabs using in-situ CO2-based polyethylene,” Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 98, pp. 0–0, 2024, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: