Artificial Intelligence and Migration Governance: Navigating Cooperation and Complexity in European Union-Türkiye Relations

Yıldız, Ayselin
Arıkan Açar, Dilaver
Artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies are becoming significant in migration governance by introducing innovative tools for governing and estimating mobility, enabling data-driven analysis, and improving policy efficiency. This article investigates how specific dynamic developments in AI technologies shape the European Union (EU)-Türkiye relations within the realm of migration governance. It explores the EU's strategies for AI integration, Türkiye's evolving practices, and the opportunities for collaboration, emphasizing shared interests while addressing the geopolitical complexities involved in these processes. Drawing on selected case studies and policy frameworks, the article argues that the adoption of new technologies in migration governance necessitates the EU-Türkiye cooperation, transcending the conventional framework of the EU accession. The discussion highlights potential areas of collaboration, the anticipated benefits, and the challenges, including the security concerns and the ethical dilemmas surrounding human rights and privacy. By emphasizing shared interests, this study highlights the critical role of joint efforts in navigating the complexities of AI-driven migration governance while fostering more effective and equitable policy outcomes.
Citation Formats
A. Yıldız and D. Arıkan Açar, “Artificial Intelligence and Migration Governance: Navigating Cooperation and Complexity in European Union-Türkiye Relations,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 191–209, 2024, Accessed: 00, 2025. [Online]. Available: