Beyond the State: Reframing Kemalism from Neo-Kemalism to Civic Atatürkism in Post-1980 Turkey

Özdemir, Enes Utku
This thesis explores the evolution of Kemalism in post-1980 Turkey, concentrating on the rise of Civic Atatürkism from the Neo-Kemalism of the 1990s. It posits that Civic Atatürkism emerged as a response to the de-Kemalization of state institutions and the shortcomings of post-Kemalism, illustrating Turkey's identity negotiation through the reframing of Atatürk. Civic Atatürkism enables diverse actors to reinterpret and recontextualize Republican symbols, using them to advance varied agendas and prioritizing continual civic reinvention over rigid institutional preservation. This adaptability maintains the relevance of the Kemalist cosmology within an increasingly fragmented and pluralistic context. Rather than enforcing a single, unified, hegemonic frame, Civic Atatürkism embraces multiple, decentralized, overlapping, and occasionally contradictory framings, connecting historical continuity with contemporary challenges.
Citation Formats
E. U. Özdemir, “Beyond the State: Reframing Kemalism from Neo-Kemalism to Civic Atatürkism in Post-1980 Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2025.