Çavdaroğlu, İbrahim
This master’s thesis examines the utilization of coffee houses as third places for remote work, with a particular focus on the Çukurambar district of Ankara. According to Ray Oldenburg's definition of "Third Place," sites that are neither homes (the first place) nor businesses (the second place) but are necessary for social contact, leisure, and community involvement are called third places. Third places might be coffee houses, restaurants, cafés, bars, and taverns. These settings give a vital break from the grind of home and business, support a feeling of community, and give chances for pleasure and socializing. Grounded in Ray Oldenburg’s theoretical framework of third places, the research investigates how these spaces can operate as neutral environments that promote social interaction, inclusivity, and community building among remote workers. Adopting a mixed-methods methodology, which integrates qualitative observations, interviews, and surveys, the study aims to capture and analyze the experiences and preferences of remote workers within Çukurambar. The findings indicate that coffee houses possess distinctive qualities—such as accessibility, a welcoming ambiance, and the cultivation of a sense of belonging—that make them conducive to remote work. Additionally, the research identifies the challenges and opportunities these spaces present in meeting the changing needs of remote workers. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of the impact of coffee houses and coworking spaces on emerging work patterns, offering valuable insights for urban planners, business owners, and policymakers aiming to enhance the functionality of third places in alignment with contemporary work habits and urban dynamics.
Citation Formats
İ. Çavdaroğlu, “UZAKTAN ÇALIŞMANIN ESNEKLİĞİ: ÜÇÜNCÜ YER OLARAK KAHVE EVLERİ ANKARA ÇUKURAMBAR,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.