Using carbon dioxide as a cushion gas in natural gas storage in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs

Büyükekinci, Özlem
Underground gas storage (UGS) technology is critical for meeting fluctuations in natural gas demand, requiring efficient and safe storage processes while also considering its environmental impact. In this context, the thesis study aimed to numerically model (using Computer Modelling Group (CMG)) the effects of using carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas with a significant share in emissions, as cushion gas in depleted oil/gas formations for natural gas storage. The modelling study assessed the effects of different cushion gas injection ratios (0%, 20%, 30%, 40%) at different times (1st, 5th, and 10th years), based on natural gas and CO2 production data, as well as the molar fractions of these gases in the reservoir. The results obtained from the study indicated that using CO2 as cushion gas at optimal ratios in underground gas storage projects could provide a more efficient gas storage and recovery process, offering higher natural gas recovery rates compared to only natural gas injection. Furthermore, the study proposed that using CO2 as cushion gas at a 30% ratio might also contribute to the recovery of CH4 gas in place that could not be produced from the reservoir.
Citation Formats
Ö. Büyükekinci, “Using carbon dioxide as a cushion gas in natural gas storage in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.