Navagating the Lanscape for Renewable Energy Startups in Türkiye

Derin Güre, Pınar
Akçay, Mehmet Serhat
This study aims to understand the effects of Türkiye's green energy policies on renewable energy startups. Renewable energy policies have become an important policy area in recent years (Pegels et al., 2017). In particular, the increasing effects of climate change worldwide play an important role in increasing interest in this area. Energy use and the type of energy sources used are some of the main reasons for all this. However, most countries are trying to improve the world by changing energy consumption behaviors, green energy policies, and environmentally friendly technologies. Türkiye has also taken significant steps in the green energy transition. While increasing its renewable energy capacity, Türkiye is developing new policies in line with the EU Green Deal, such as Türkiye’s Green Deal Action Plan. While the country's renewable energy capacity has increased significantly to 30.642,66 MW, the ecosystem of renewable energy startups has also grown. The effects of renewable energy policies on renewable energy startups in Türkiye were examined through an interpretative phenomenology analysis based on inductive reasoning conducted through semi-structured interviews. As a result of the study, policy recommendations were developed, and the renewable energy governance of Türkiye was examined from the perspective of renewable energy startups.
Citation Formats
P. Derin Güre and M. S. Akçay, Navagating the Lanscape for Renewable Energy Startups in Türkiye. 2024.