Formulation and characterization of isomalt based hard candy

Doğdu, Sarper
In the confectionery industry, the demand for sugar-free products is increasing day by day. In hard candies, the quality parameters of sugar-free products are based on many physical and sensory properties. The preservation of these quality parameters throughout the shelf life of sugar-free hard candies is directly related to the selection of raw materials in the formulation along with the selection of an optimum formulation and process. This study covers the characterization and optimization studies of sugar-free hard candy formulations based on isomalt concentration, citric acid concentration and sugar alcohol differences. In the study, sugar-free hard candies were produced in 27 different formulations and the properties of these candies such as crystallinity, total soluble solids, color, water activity and glass transition temperature were examined with different methods. TD-NMR analyses, DSC analysis, XRD analysis and total soluble solids measurements were performed. There was no difference observed between the samples in terms of water activity and color. DSC analysis results showed that increase in Tg values was observed as increase in isomalt concentration and decrease in citric acid concentration (p<0.05). The crystal structure of the raw materials and sugar-free hard candy samples were investigated in XRD analysis, and it was observed that the presence of crystal structures in the amorphous structure negatively affected the product stability. Additionally, a strong correlation (r=0.825) was found between the measured Tg values and the prediction using the Couchman–Karasz equation, which is an empirical equation that is used to predict Tg of materials (p<0.05).
Citation Formats
S. Doğdu, “Formulation and characterization of isomalt based hard candy,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2025.