Remains Of Ottoman Architecture in The City Of Nikšić in Montenegro

Bojković, Vladimir
Bajić Šestović, Jelena
In order to understand the present-day situation and genesis of a city, it is necessary to research its past and analyse all stages of its development, as much as the available conditions and facts allow. In studying the history of Nikšić, it can be concluded that its rich and often turbulent historical circumstances led to dynamic development, reflected in periods of settlement and construction, followed by depopulation and destruction. These changes were also accompanied by shifts in the city’s name during various historical phases: Anderba (Anderva), Anagastum, Onogošt and, today, Nikšić. Nikšić’s history can be divided into distinct periods, each marked by significant cultural and political transitions: the Illyrian, Roman, Gothic, Slavic, Ottoman, and post-Ottoman eras, followed by the city’s modern development. Each of these stages contributed different architectural and urban understandings, shaping the city’s multi-layered spatial and cultural structure. The period of Ottoman rule, in terms of architecture and urbanism, is the least researched. This is due to the fact that most buildings from this period have been almost completely lost, preventing a complete insight into Ottoman Nikšić. Only a few buildings have survived, making it difficult to form a full picture of the city’s architectural typology, construction methods, and urban planning patterns. The objective of this paper is to present the remaining structures, some of which are in ruins, for the first time, in order for them to be valorised and preserved in the public consciousness as important monuments of that era. For the first time, the cultural heritage of the Ottoman Empire, particularly its architectural achievements, is presented in this paper to offer a clearer understanding of the genesis of Nikšić, the second largest city in Montenegro. Based on written sources, very rare drawings, and photographs, it is possible to provide a rough idea of the appearance of Ottoman Nikšić and the characteristics of its architecture during that period.
Citation Formats
V. Bojković and J. Bajić Šestović, “Remains Of Ottoman Architecture in The City Of Nikšić in Montenegro,” ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 225–246, 2024, Accessed: 00, 2025. [Online]. Available: