POND Ecosystems for Resilient FUture Landscapes in a changing climate

Even the smallest ponds can play a big role in fighting climate change. Largely neglected and generally undervalued, ponds are actually remarkably important for biodiversity conservation. The EU-funded PONDERFUL project will investigate how ponds can be used as nature-based solutions (NBS) for climate change. It will evaluate the interaction and feedback between biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate in pondscapes. PONDERFUL will also develop future scenarios for pondscapes in the EU, Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), where it will conduct tests. The findings of these tests will be used to develop a sustainable finance and investment guide for implementation of the proposed NBS. It will also raise awareness among policymakers about the use of pondscapes for biodiversity conservation.
Citation Formats
M. Beklioğlu, “POND Ecosystems for Resilient FUture Landscapes in a changing climate,” 2024. Accessed: 00, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/869296.