Alternative Quality and Authenticity Methods for Sugar and Confectionery

Despite comprising 35 % of the global market, the European confectionery industry is currently in need of tools to enhance its competitiveness. The EU-funded SuChAQuality project focuses on developing an international and cross-sectoral network of organisations able to ensure higher authenticity and quality in the confectionery industry. The project aims to upgrade the quality of research and innovation in Europe, encouraging cooperation among the sugar value chain actors. Bringing together a group of academic and industry partners, the project will produce advanced analysis techniques, affordable and sustainable solutions for non-academic participants, reliable and efficient quality control methods as well as new skills for the participating researchers.
Citation Formats
H. M. Öztop, “Alternative Quality and Authenticity Methods for Sugar and Confectionery,” 2024. Accessed: 00, 2025. [Online]. Available: