Analysis and design of highly transparent and efficient antenna

Eralp, Mehmet Emre
This thesis investigates the analysis, design, and fabrication of optically transparent antennas, addressing the trade-offs between transparency and radiation efficiency. Transparent monopole and patch antennas are explored, focusing on their potential applications in beyond 5G and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication systems. The transparent planar monopole antenna features a single-sided geometry on flexible PET substrates coated with silver nanowires (AgNW). The fundamental factors limiting the efficiency of the monopole are analyzed, and effective antenna topologies and methods to enhance efficiency are presented. The study demonstrates that widening the monopole geometry and strategically adding highly conductive strips can significantly improve radiation efficiency without substantially compromising transparency. Fabricated prototypes operate over a wide frequency range, covering 3.5 GHz and 5.9 GHz, achieving efficiencies of 50.4% and 76.3%, respectively, with optical transparency reaching 80%. Additionally, the primary factors limiting the gain of optically transparent patch antennas are analyzed, and strategies for gain enhancement are outlined. The research introduces a circuit model predicting further improvements and proposes an efficient patch antenna design. The patch antenna is fabricated using AgNWs with low-cost manufacturing methods and validated through measurements. The proposed patch antenna achieves a gain of 3.58 dBi and an efficiency of 44% at 8.9 GHz.
Citation Formats
M. E. Eralp, “Analysis and design of highly transparent and efficient antenna,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2025.