Investigating the impact of evolving planning theory through the concept of nature-based solutions

Duman, Gülçin
Since the beginning of industrialization in the early 1800s, spatial and urban development policies and trends have changed significantly. With the rapid urban population growth in the 20th century, policies based on economic growth have irreversibly and negatively affected most urban ecosystems globally. Climate change has begun to occur due to fossil carbon-intensive technologies that have evolved together with urban systems and lifestyles. While previously a more top-down planning approach with very general studies and projects was dominant, today it is accepted that the place-dependent approaches are also essential elements in the solution. For example, the importance given to basic climate change concepts such as mitigation and adaptation in the latest IPCC reports reveals this. The fact that a single type of mitigation or adaptation policy cannot be applied to all cities increases the importance of local dynamics in policies and practices that will enable cities to develop in many areas. The study aims to understand the evolving planning theory and its impact on urban practices through the concept of Nature-based Solutions. For this purpose, the changes in the planning theory stages were first revealed. The basic values defining nature-based solutions were investigated through literature studies. As a result of examining successful project examples of nature-based solutions, the Izmir - Urban GreenUp project selected from Türkiye was analyzed using comparison methods. Thus, as a reflection of the changing planning theory, the effects of nature-based solutions, which are handled with varying approaches in practice, on Izmir urban planning were examined.
Citation Formats
G. Duman, “Investigating the impact of evolving planning theory through the concept of nature-based solutions,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2025.