The Involvement of Project Stakeholders in the Briefing Process: Evaluations through a Construction Project

Pekeriçli, Mehmet Koray
The briefing is a process to ensure that the project stakeholders work together from inception to completion of construction by implementing knowledge management. Effective and continuous involvement of project stakeholders in the briefing is vital for the success of the process and the project. The level and method of participation differ due to the project delivery method; however, the importance of managing project stakeholders' knowledge and experience always remains the place. This study presents the definition and importance of construction briefing and the place of project stakeholders in the process. Then, the participation of project stakeholders is discussed through an example of an existing construction management process. The main objective is to evaluate the relationship of the decision-making process between the involvement of project stakeholders for different stages of construction projects. Thus, Anka Bilim College Building, in which the involvement of project stakeholders was ensured from start to completion, was utilized as a case study. Session examples from the briefing records, kept by the architect from the design phase to the completion of construction, are presented and evaluated as sessions in time order. The evaluation and discussion were made by exploring the sessions' descriptive information. For an important finding, it can be said that the continuous participation of project stakeholders in briefing processes provides a basis for making the right decision with the help of their knowledge, and experience. Examples of situations where issues and problems can be addressed and decisions made more realistically and accurately when contractual and working relationships and project stakeholders are involved in all processes. However, for construction projects, the participation of all project stakeholders in the briefing processes may not be ensured due to the implementation method of the project.
Turkish Journal of Engineering
Citation Formats
E. B. ÇALIŞKAN and M. K. Pekeriçli, “The Involvement of Project Stakeholders in the Briefing Process: Evaluations through a Construction Project,” Turkish Journal of Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 12–20, 2025, Accessed: 00, 2025. [Online]. Available: