Developmental Bioelectricity as an Explanatory Framework for Cognition and Meaning

Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko
Davoody Benı, Majıd
Shumilina, Vera
We critically examine the intersection of developmental bioelectricity within the context of the Peircean philosophy of science. We address the criticism of Peirce’s objective idealism and synechism, contest the conflation of semiotic and physical laws, and scrutinise Peirce’s recovery of physical from psychological laws. The upshot is a nonmechanistic, nonreductive interpretation of the evolution of cognition in the bioengineering realm. The work of Kull and others is leveraged to demarcate semiotics and physics, emphasising the irreducibility of bioelectric phenomena to mechanistic explanations. Our paper advocates for methodological synechism in evolutionary biology, highlighting the heightened roles of bioelectricity in morphogenesis and basal cognition. We propose the free-energy principle as a unifying arbiter that sets an explanatory pathway toward integrated cognition and meaning in developmental bioelectricity.
Citation Formats
A.-V. Pietarinen, M. Davoody Benı, and V. Shumilina, “Developmental Bioelectricity as an Explanatory Framework for Cognition and Meaning,” Biosemiotics, pp. 0–0, 2025, Accessed: 00, 2025. [Online]. Available: